Q. What is UNIQLO's Privacy Policy?




UNIQLO respects the privacy rights of users of its website and mobile application. This privacy policy ("Policy") explains how we collect, store and use your personal data when you browse UNIQLO's websites, including uniqlo.com, and our related applications (the "Site"), shop with us or otherwise provide us with your personal data. This policy applies regardless of how you access the Site and covers any technologies or devices we use to make the Site available to you.

This policy provides you with information on the types of personal data we collect from you, how we use your personal data and the rights you have to control our use of your personal data. Below are specific details about our processing purposes.

You should read this privacy policy carefully and we recommend that you print and keep a copy for future use. By viewing or otherwise using this site, you should have read this policy.

When we say "UNIQLO", "us", "our" or "we" in this policy, we mean UNIQLO EUROPE LTD, a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales under number 4845064, whose registered office is at 103-113 Regent Street, London, W1B 4HL, United Kingdom. UNIQLO EUROPE LTD is a group company of FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.

For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the "AVG"), UNIQLO EUROPE LTD is the "controller " (as defined in the AVG) of personal data, when it determines the purposes and means of processing personal data.

Moreover, under the GDPR:

  • ‘personal data’ means any information relating to you that identifies you directly or indirectly;
  • ‘processing’ means any operation or set of operations involving personal data or sets of personal data.


We collect personal data either directly from you, usually obtained through forms on our Site, or indirectly when you interact with us or the Site.

We may collect, use, store and transfer the following different types of personal data about you:

  • Identity data: first name, surname, title, date of birth, membership ID
  • Contact details: e-mail address, phone number.
  • Address details: billing address, delivery address.
  • Financial data: credit card or other payment details.
  • Technical data: includes IP address, your login data, mobile ID information. Other technical data processed are not considered personal data.

When we collect personal data through forms, the fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. This is because some of the personal data we request from you is necessary to perform a contract between you and UNIQLO, to provide you with a service you have requested or to meet legal requirements. Failure to provide the personal data with an asterisk may affect delivery of our goods and services.


We treat all your personal data confidentially. Information about our customers is important and protecting your privacy is essential to us. We do not share your personal data with third parties except for the limited purposes specified below.

We only pass data to:

  • Other companies within Fast Retailing Group,
  • Suppliers we engage to process data on our behalf,
  • Government agencies and law enforcement agencies to comply with legal obligations or to protect certain rights,
  • Legal successors to our business (in the event of a transfer of assets or if we sell part or all of our business).

When we share personal data with our parent company or other entities within our Group, we follow practices that are at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Policy.

We mainly work with teams, systems and suppliers in Europe, the UK and Japan. Your data may be transferred to, accessed in and stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"), such data will always be held securely and in accordance with the requirements of all applicable data protection regulations.

Third parties may be engaged, inter alia, to fulfil your order, process your payment details and provide support services. When we transfer personal data to third parties outside the EEA, we ask them to provide sufficient guarantees to put in place appropriate technical, organisational and security measures to ensure that the processing meets the requirements of the EU regulation and the protection of your rights as a data subject. We also rely on the Adequacy Decisions of the European Commission or we may ask them to enter into contracts based on the model adopted by the European Commission according to Article 46.2 of the GDPR (Adequacy Decision and standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission are available via this page ).

When we work with third parties, we only give them personal data they need to perform their services and ask them to commit to using your data only for specific listed purposes. We will always make every effort to ensure that these third parties treat your personal data securely and confidentially.

We release account and other personal data when we believe it is necessary to comply with the law; to enforce or apply our policies; or to protect the rights, property or safety of the site, our users or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction. However, this does not include selling, renting, sharing or otherwise disclosing personal data for commercial purposes in breach of the obligations set out in this Policy.


We keep your personal data for as long as we need it to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with our legal obligations. Details of retention are explained by purpose below.

We may retain some personal data for longer to comply with legal or regulatory obligations (e.g. to fulfil our billing obligations) or to protect our legitimate business interests (e.g. to pursue a claim in court).


When you provide us with personal data, you still have the following rights that you can apply directly to your account or by contacting us. When the purposes below are defined, there may be some details when you apply your rights. You have the following rights:

  • The right to request access to personal data we hold about you;
  • The right to request rectification from us of personal data that is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • The right to request deletion ('right to be forgotten') of personal data if it is no longer needed in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed or if you withdraw your consent (we may need to retain some personal data to comply with legal requirements).
  • The right to obtain restriction of processing when one of the following situations applies:
    • If you have disputed the accuracy of your personal data, processing will be restricted for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy,
    • Where the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal data and instead request that its use be restricted,
    • If we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need it to establish, exercise or defend your legal claims,
    • Where you have objected to processing based on legitimate interests, processing will be restricted for a period of time during which it can be verified whether our legitimate grounds outweigh yours.
  • The right to object, on grounds related to your specific situation, when the processing of your personal data is based on our legitimate interests. You also have the right to object to processing for direct marketing purposes (including profiling insofar as it relates to such direct marketing) at any time;
  • The right to data portability, which means that you have the right to receive the personal data we hold about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and that you have the right to transfer this data to another processing controller where the processing is based on your consent or on a contract and is carried out by automated means. You also have the right to have your personal data sent directly from us to another processing controller if this is technically feasible;
  • The right to unsubscribe from any marketing communications we may send you by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any e-mail we have sent you or by contacting us.
  • The right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that produces legal effects on you or affects you in a similar way to a significant degree (unless this decision is necessary for entering into or implementing an agreement between you and UNIQLO or is based on your explicit consent);
  • The right to complain to a supervisory authority if you have reason to believe that your rights to your personal data have been violated by UNIQLO.

Note that we may ask you for additional information necessary to confirm your identity in order to exercise your rights.


We have tabulated below a description of all the ways we may use your personal data and what legal bases we rely on to do so. Where applicable, we have also indicated what our legitimate interests are.

  • 1. Managing your purchase and getting our products delivered to you

To receive, prepare and deliver your order to you, we process your personal data for several steps, such as collecting payment, invoicing and delivering the package.

Category of data processed(a) Identity data
(b) Contact details
(c) Address data
(d) Financial data
(e) Technical data
Legal basis

We process your data based on the general conditions you accept when you complete an order on the UNIQLO website and because this is necessary for the execution of the agreement between you and UNIQLO.

Data sharingTo provide you with UNIQLO services, we work with various processors to handle payment and deliver products to you.
PreserveThe criteria used to determine how long personal data are kept are based on the legal basis and no longer than necessary for the purpose(s) for which they are processed.
Rights to the dataYou can change and access this data via your UNIQLO account or by contacting customer service. You can request to delete your account.

2. Providing you with the latest news and information on UNIQLO's products and brands

Lifewear at UNIQLO has a simple goal: to make your life better. We believe our communications should do the same. We use your data to give you personalised news, such as special offers, collection launches and exciting new products.

Category of data processed(a) Identity data
(b) Contact details
Legal basisWe process your data based on your explicit consent collected when you subscribe to our e-newsletter or our app notifications. You can, if you wish, during the download or initial connection, give the app permission to send you notifications.
Data sharingYour data is processed in our global UNIQLO system, operated mainly in Europe and Japan, and we may use a processor to send and deliver our communications to your inbox or mobile phone.
PreserveYour personal data will be deleted up to 3 years after your last activity.
Rights to the dataYou can change your consent by signing out here or by deactivating app notification in the application settings at any time.
  • 3. If you use our UNIQLO mobile application

To provide a more personalised experience, we create a membership ID assigned to you. Your order history allows you to track your previous purchases (item code, size, colour) for your own reference. Your geographical location is used to find the nearest UNIQLO shop.

We will use your data to conduct business analytics to better understand customer buying habits and behaviour. This allows us to better personalise our communication with you, inform you about products that may be relevant and support the development of business strategies.

Category of data processed(a) Identity data
(b) Technical data (including geolocation)
Legal basisWe process your data based on your explicit consent and the Terms and Conditions you accept when you first use the app and when you register for a UniqloUNIQLO account. Specific consent is required to use your phone's geolocation.
Sharing dataYour UNIQLO account data are processed and stored in Europe.
PreserveYour data will be kept until you delete your app account or will be deleted 3 years after your last activity.
Rights to the dataYou can deactivate services such as geolocation at any time and access, change and delete your app data via the UNIQLO application settings.
  • 4. To handle your requests when you contact our Customer Service Department

We process some of your data when you contact our Customer Service Department via email, phone or chat to better understand your request and give you the best possible answer. We may enlist the help of other internal departments to answer your questions.

Category of data processed(a) Identity data
(b) Contact details
(c) Address data
(d) Financial data
Legal basisWe may process your personal data to respond to your request that you have made to us based on our legitimate interest, or an explicit consent.
Data sharingOur customer service is based in the UK and Europe and your data is mainly hosted in Europe and Japan.
PreserveWe keep the data for 3 years after the case is closed.
Rights to the dataYou can request access, modification and deletion.
  • 5. To collect your feedback and ratings on our products and services

During your journey with UNIQLO, we ask for your feedback and review of our products and services so that we can improve ourselves. We may collect information from you during your shop visit or we may send you a message asking for your review after a purchase or after you have contacted our customer service (via chat and/or email). We may ask you for a nickname and your email address if we want to contact you for more information.

Category of data processed(a) Identity data
(b) Contact details
Legal basisTo contact you after a purchase or visit to ask for your feedback or review, we use legitimate interests to improve our services and products. When you submit a review, we will inform you of the specific Terms and Conditions and ask for your express consent.
Sharing dataWe may share your review/feedback within our Group entities. We will also share product reviews to display them on our other websites around the world so that it can help all our customers.
Preserve12 months
Rights to the dataYou can request amendment, access and deletion of your personal data by contacting customer service.
  • 6. When you participate in our competitions or promotional activities

We regularly organise competitions, competitions, app sampling programmes and promotions in which you can participate.

Category of data processed(a) Identity data
(b) Contact details
(c) Address data (only for some operations)
Legal basisWe process your data based on the general conditions you accept when you want to participate in such activities and because it is necessary for the execution of the agreement between you and UNIQLO.
Sharing dataYour data usually remains in Europe and the UK, but may be hosted in our global system (depending on operations). More information can be found in the specific GTC of the operation.
PreserveFor duration of surgery. This depends on the surgery, consult the specific AV.
Rights to the dataYou can request access, modification and deletion of your personal data.
  • 7. To protect our website against threats and fraud and provide you a secure experience with us

We use various security technologies to protect our website from unauthorised access and fraudulent traffic, and to ensure legitimate access for you, we use some technical data from your browser.

Category of data processed(a) Identity data
(b) Contact details
(c) Address data
(d) Financial data
(e) Technical data
Legal basisWe have a legitimate interest to protect our website from attacks and fraudulent purchases/payments to process such information.
Sharing dataWe use processors within the EU and outside the EEA for this purpose, in addition to our internal teams when research is required.
PreserveCollected data may be kept for 12 months.
Rights to the dataYou can request access to your personal data.
  • 8. Conduct business analysis

We will use your data to conduct business analytics to better understand customer buying habits and behaviour. This allows us to better personalise our communication with you, inform you about products that may be relevant and support the development of business strategies.

Category of data processed(c) Address data
(d) Financial data
(e) Technical data: includes IP address, your login data, mobile ID information, cookies. Other technical data processed are not considered personal data.
Legal basisWhen we use personally identifiable data, it is covered by your consent for profiling or personalised marketing activities or based on our legitimate interest.
Sharing dataWe mainly use data stored in our Global UNIQLO systems in the EU and Japan, or collected using cookies.
PreserveBased on keeping the original data, see 1. 2. 3.
Rights to the dataYour rights are similar to 1. 2. 3.
  • 9. When you use our in-store digital services, such as app-scan or e-receipts

When you scan your UQ in-store, we link your purchase to your account so you can view your order history in the app or when logged in to your e-commerce account. It also allows us to perform business analytics based on your purchase history.

Category of data processed(b) Contact data (membershipID, email address)
Legal basisThis is based on your explicit consent and affirmative action that you scan the barcode of your UNIQLO app and based on our legitimate interest.
Data sharingThe data collected is stored in our global UNIQLO systems in the EU and Japan.
PreserveThis data is linked to your account, see 1. 3.
Rights to the dataYou can request access to and deletion of your personal data by contacting customer service


When you visit our website, certain information about your browsing behaviour may be stored in a number of "cookies" installed on your device. We issue these cookies to facilitate navigation on our website or to measure how often our website is visited. They may also be issued by our providers to offer you personalised advertising when you visit other websites.

Information in cookies set on your browser is retained for the duration of the web session (session cookies) or for a longer period set to achieve the purpose for which they were created (e.g. may be several days to keep your account logged in, may be several months if you accept personalisation), and for a maximum duration of 13 months.

Most cookies require your explicit consent and you can update your consent at any time or view details of cookies used on our website by clicking this link to the cookie management solution or in the footer.

First-party cookies we place

Cookies that we install on your device allow us to recognise your browser when you connect to our website. We set cookies for the following purposes:

  • Manage and secure access to specific and personal places such as your account;
  • Manage your shopping basket;
  • Remembering information in forms;
  • Detect fraud, secure payments and protect our website from bots or malicious traffic;
  • Compile traffic statistics (number of visits, pages viewed, order abandonment) to monitor and improve the quality of our services;
  • Customise the presentation of our website according to the display preferences of your terminal;
  • Provide you with content, including advertising, that matches your interests and customise the offers we send you.

Third-party cookies

When you visit our Site, one or more cookies from our providers ("third-party cookies") may be placed on your device through the pages of our website or through content displayed in our advertising spaces. The cookies placed on our website by the providers we use to promote our activities and our offers are intended to:

  • Collect analytics on ad performance or personalised display;
  • Identify the products viewed or purchased on our website to personalise the advertising offers sent to you when you visit other websites;
  • Sending you UNIQLO offers by e-mail if you have given your consent when you registered.

The cookies in the ad spaces of our website are intended to compile statistics about ads (such as how often they were displayed, which ads were displayed, number of users who clicked on each ad...).

The issuance and use of cookies by third parties is subject to the privacy policies of those third parties. We have no access to or control over third-party cookies. However, we ensure that the partner companies listed below treat the information collected on our website solely for our needs and in accordance with applicable regulations.

You can reject third-party cookies by setting your browser appropriately. Each setting may alter your browsing on the internet and your conditions for accessing certain services that require cookies.

You can set your browser software to store cookies on your device or reject them, either systematically or depending on their issuer.

Some third parties use cookies to provide you with a better experience with our website's functionalities.

  • To provide you with a Fit Finder tool on our product pages, we use Fit Analytics and you can find their privacy policy here.

If your browser is set to reject all cookies, you will not be able to make purchases or use essential features of our Site, such as saving products in your shopping cart or receiving personalised recommendations. The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in your browser's help menu, where you can find how to change your cookie preferences. More information on deleting or managing cookies can be found at https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/burger/thema-s/internet/cookies.


We may display or send personalised content or communications using profiling techniques (defined by the AVG as any form of automated processing of personal data that evaluates personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects relating to the data subject's personal preferences or interests, behaviour or location).

Personalised advertising banner

After you have visited our Site with activated advertising cookies, personalised banner ads may be displayed when you are on other websites. We make every effort to provide you with offers that are relevant to you. The advertising banners displayed therefore relate to products viewed by browsing our Site from your device.

Targeted information

If you consent to us contacting you for commercial purposes, we may send you emails and other communications about goods and services that may be of interest to you. We do this by studying our customers' online browsing and shopping behaviour and providing them with information about the products they have viewed and use. If you have indicated your preferences when you gave us your details, we use them to better select the information we send you.

We use online browsing data to track your use of our Site to understand which products and services are of interest to you and to collect certain personal data, such as your name, email address and a unique identifier associated with your device. This information is then used to assist you in the buying process, including by contacting you from time to time (by email) or personalising the advertising displayed to you online.


To provide you with the best services and a secure experience regarding the payment and delivery of your orders, we use some of your information to prevent misuse of this site. Data concerned are: data relating to the execution of the contract (items purchased, personal data, payment method and bank details).

We may decide to implement all relevant security measures or, if the security of the transaction cannot be guaranteed, we may decide to cancel the order. In the event of an incident, such as fraudulent use of the means of payment or delivery fraud, the data relating to the order allows us to carry out any relevant additional checks for future orders.


We are committed to providing our customers with a secure environment. Although we take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data you provide to us, no transmission over the internet can ever be guaranteed to be secure. Therefore, please note that we cannot guarantee the security of personal data you transmit to us over the internet.

If you use a computer or terminal in a public location, for your own security, we recommend that you always log out and close the website browser when you have completed an online session. In addition, we recommend that you take the following security measures to improve your online safety:

  • Keep your account passwords private. Remember that anyone who knows your password can access your account.
  • Use at least 8 characters when creating a password. A combination of letters and numbers is best. Do not use dictionary words, your name, e-mail address or other personal data that can be easily found out. You can do this by going to 'My account' and clicking on 'Change name, e-mail address or password'.
  • Avoid using the same password for multiple online accounts.


Certain links on the Site may point to other, unrelated third-party companies. We will never share your personal data with these third-party companies.

Links on our site to third-party websites are provided for your convenience and we have no control over these sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from ours. We do not endorse or state anything about third-party sites accessible through this site. We encourage you to read each company's privacy policy before providing your personal data.

The data you provide to unrelated third parties is covered by their privacy policies. Some third-party companies may choose to share their personal data with us; such sharing is subject to that third party's privacy policy.

We are not responsible for personal data that third parties may collect, store and use through their websites. Always carefully read the privacy policy of any website you visit.


We do not knowingly collect information from unsupervised individuals under the age of legal consent. Processing personal data of a child under the age of majority requires the consent of the holder of parental responsibility. We will make reasonable efforts to verify that consent has been given or authorised in such a case, taking into account available technology.


Our business is constantly changing and our Privacy Policy will also change. You should check our website regularly for recent changes. All changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site and the date at the bottom of this policy will be updated to reflect when it was last revised.


If you have any questions or comments regarding this policy or any other privacy-related queries, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights described above, please contact us at contactusuk@uniqlo.eu. Or by writing to the following address:

Or by writing to the following address:

UNIQLO EUROPE Ltd - Data Protection Officer
103 - 113 Regent Street

If you wish to contact our data protection officer, you can reach him at: dpo_eu@fastretailing.com. As representative of Uniqlo Europe in the European Union has been appointed, pursuant to Article 27 AVG:

Fast Retailing France
151 Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris
SIREN: 482 065 786


Registered in England & Wales - Number 4845064

VAT Number - 820605757

Last Updated – April 2024

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